Top Ways To Earn An Income From Game Economy In BrainDance

8 min readMar 25, 2022


Do the backflip!

Earning Potential

The first question we have after hearing about a Play-to-Earn (P2E) game is “how do we make money?” and why would we invest in NFTs of that ecosystem. They are good questions and one that needs to be adequately answered by every project. Fortunately for a project like BrainDance, there are many ways do answer them, but we do that with one word: UTILITY.
The usage of NFTs within BrainDance ecosystem is as followed:
1- Think of Avatars as Presidents of countries. There’s only 1 of them per country.
2- Think of Real Estate NFTs as Palaces for the Presidents. They live in it. It’s a symbol of that reality.
3- Think of Land/Hub NFTs as Countries. Presidents and residents live in them in harmony (most of the time) and they have a greater goal that they work toward.
Each of these NFTs can be staked. Each of them can be leased. They are separate collections that when combined create an unstoppable force inside the game.
Now a more important question is how utility is provided to the tokens and NFTs related to this project. To provide the clearest answer to that question we are going to focus our attention on how BrainDance derives its initial utility value and a few ways to leverage that into real earning potential, emphasizing how this is maximized for NFT hodlers.

Your Edgerunner is awaiting the mint

Top utility

Let’s talk about the first thing that provides value to BrainDance: the BrainDance NFT mint. Normally, you would receive one Non-fungible Token (NFT) when you mint, or purchase, an NFT. This is where BrainDance begins to differentiate itself from other P2E projects. Minting BrainDance means you will be you are minting a Cube NFT. This means you will be receiving three NFTs instead of the usual one NFT: a playable NFT avatar; an NFT penthouse (digital real estate); and an NFT cityhub (NFT land).

Recent history has shown that digital real estate and NFT lands hold the potential to be the most lucrative portion of a P2E project and metaverse. But how does land or real estate within the metaverse have any value at all? Through shrinking supply and increasing demand.
There will be only 5050 of each NFT. BrainDance is a massive multiplayer online (MMO) game and designed to support hundreds of thousands, if not millions of players than the 5050 minters holding cityhub and penthouse NFTs. By minting and owning your penthouse and cityhub, you now have a scarce asset due to the high demand and low supply, thus value and utility.

When a player logs into the game, they will log into one of those 5,049 realities (NFT #0000 is God and he’s visiting other cities). There is no limit of players for each reality. The players will earn the in-game Serotonin ($SRT) token by performing their daily in-game jobs and completing missions. Owners of the cityhub NFTs will be able to create an economic system that will pay themselves in $SRT (i.e. a low-tax, capitalist economy, or a socialist one where all profits are shared equally). Your best bet for making the most $SRT possible will be by creating the most mutually beneficial economic system for you and the players in your reality. Be too harsh and no one will play in your reality. If you have too low of taxes, you will have rich and powerful residents but it may come at a cost to your income and secret plans.

The 3 basic levels of Guilds

Cityhubs provide even more value to the owner because each cityhub NFT will only be able to provide one major export service out of seven roles/services. Game mechanics will force players to create alliances with six other players who have cityhubs and character roles different than the ones you own. The six other players who own cityhubs will have to pay in $SRT for the service provided by your cityhub. The in-game $SRT will be tradable on decentralized exchanges.

$STEM; The Second token

Speaking of tokens, let’s talk about Stem Cell ($STEM) tokens. This is the avatar token that is only available in four ways. You can earn a certain amount of $STEM each day by staking your NFT avatar. In a recent AMA BrainDance project owner and lead, Mr. Lucid, let us know that the algorithm’s goal is to provide $20-$50 in $STEM per day, depending on the length of your stake. Stake for too short period of time and you will receive less interest. He followed up that statement by saying that character NFTs will be the least valuable of the three Cube NFTs, just like how people are valued in real world.
Do you want to compound your earnings? Stake your $STEM instead of selling it off or spending it!
Next, you can purchase $STEM on the exchange as well which means you will be able to stake it. The last way to earn $STEM is by playing the Discord text-based strategy game. For full details about how, please join the BrainDance Discord server and check out the Announcements channel.

Now back to digital real estate and land utility. As NFT hodlers, you want to maximize our earning potential. NFT owners aren’t only going to be able to earn $SRT through people paying them taxes, that’s a simple and normal game mechanic. Fortunately, that’s not the case for BrainDance. Pushing earning potential beyond just hodling the NFT is created through the OMEGA marketplace and in-game NFT creation.

How OMEGA looks like

The penthouse serves several purposes for gameplay mechanics, but we are going to elaborate more on how to monetize penthouse ownership. Within the penthouse will be mini games. As a hodler, you can play those mini games or rent your penthouse (paid in $SRT) to another player to play them. Regardless of who does it, each mini game will have a set of achievements that, once unlocked, will provide the player the opportunity to mint specific NFTs and use them for their avatar, city or PH. The player who minted the mini-game NFTs will have two options at this point: to sell it on the OMEGA marketplace (BrainDance’s own on-chain marketplace); or, to hodl it and use it in game. Each of these choices provides penthouse owners with more $SRT.

Game Mechanics

Like most MMOs, BrainDance will have a crafting game mechanic. It won’t be limited to wearables or ammunition; it goes well beyond that. BrainDance’s crafting mechanics will provide a way to create penthouse NFTs along with all the decorations for them. This is in addition to creating avatar specific items AND creating additional businesses and mini-games. So, the creative designers will be able to provide the Simulation with everything from shoes to a luxury apartment, sunglasses to a movie theater, food products to Hitman agency. Creators will be able to sell their NFTs on the OMEGA marketplace. Buy, sell, trade these NFT assets for $SRT. You want to be the digital Gucci or Louis Viton? How about the next architecture genius like Frank Lloyd Wright or Anotni Gaudi. BrainDance will provide that opportunity to you and players will pay you for it. That’s a lot of work and a lot of time dedicated to a video game.

I get it, not every crypto enthusiast is interested in playing video games. I can tell you all I want that BrainDance is more than just a video game, the first and only one of its kind on the blockchain. But not everyone is interested in playing a video game no matter how unique. However, almost everyone does want to make money. Fortunately, regardless of your level of interest in playing or not playing a video game, you have a few options to make money in BrainDance. The most boring way is to flip your NFTs. You can mint or sweep an NFT and then flip it if that’s what you want to do. Boring.

Get paid from Taxes

However, if you see the value of each individual type of NFT but you don’t want to invest too much time in playing, you can lease your NFTs to a professional player. This will result in creating an agreement between you, the owner, and the professional player, that results in a smart contract published on the blockchain. Depending on the agreement, part of the daily/weekly/monthly $SRT revenue generated by your NFTs will be paid to you and the rest will be paid to the player. Remember the part about economic systems earlier? Keep that in mind when choosing your professional player. You want to pick someone who is determined to create the best economic system possible for players to provide the most earnings for both of you, not some that destroys the city (just like how you’re supposed to vote for top presidential candidate).

If you want to enjoy the creative aspect of the game, NFT hodler or not, you can also sell your services to other players. Think of freelance websites, but you’re going to do that on the OMEGA marketplace.
You can’t design 3D model but you’re an excellent 2D artist? Sell your blueprint or concept on OMEGA. You can’t draw or model in 3D, but you have an excellent idea? Hire a creator to bring your creation to life. You’ll be able to work out the contracts between yourselves much like when an NFT hodler leases or rents their NFTs to a professional player. Creators can make $SRT too!

Participate in eSports

You can make additional source of income by creating tournaments (paid or free to join) with a prize pool of $SRT or $STEM. Later, you can add other collaterals such as NFTs or anything else in your wallets but for now the prize pools can be $SRT or $STEM.
You can create your own league, train with members who match your skills and join different tournaments that that pop on OMEGA to win the prizes.
Hosting tournaments can be on a bigger scale (locally or country based) and top tournaments will be on the front page of OMEGA. International tournaments will involve many different sponsors and the prize pool will be much bigger, starting at $1M.

Let’s recap how we earn in BrainDance. The two tokens that will be on the exchange are $STEM and $SRT. Staking an NFT character will provide you with $STEM, along with purchasing and staking $STEM. To maximize your $SRT earnings you want to provide your players within your reality the most enticing gaming atmosphere which will, in turn, maximize your profits even if you are going to rent or lease your NFTs. Lastly, in-game NFT creation and then buying, selling, and trading them on OMEGA will provide many opportunities for non-Cube NFT hodlers to earn $SRT. There are a lot of ways to earn in this game, and one word comes to mind to do so: utility.

Written by: Mohdri#3571

